With the introduction of ASP.NET MVC in 2009, Microsoft ofered developers a new approach to building web applications based on the Microsoft stack. By combining the power and maturity of ASP.NET and the .NET Framework with the advantages of the MVC pattern, ASP.NET MVC ofers web application developers important features, such as testability, full control over the generated HTML, and great support for large teams working on the same project by separating the application into the model, the view, and the controller.
he purpose of this book is to introduce you to the latest version of ASP.NET MVC, version 4. To ground the book in the real world of developing web applications, the concepts presented in all the chapters are examined in the context of a sample web application.
he book is basically divided into three parts. he irst part, comprising Chapters 1 through 3, starts with a brief introduction to ASP.NET and discusses where MVC its into the whole ASP.NET framework. Chapter 2 describes the software requirements and the diferent options for installing ASP.NET MVC 4. Chapter 3 explains the sample application you are going to build and the tools that you need to build it, and then steps you through the actual creation and coniguration of the sample application.
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